Blogger Inglés
What are values? Values are the principles, virtues, or qualities that characterize a person, an action, or an object that are typically considered positive or of great importance to a social group. 1. Kindness Kindness is one of the most general human values of our being. It can translate into hundreds and hundreds of thousands of actions depending on each context, but it always reflects the desire to do good, have good intentions with other people, be kind or help as much as possible. 2. Sincerity As a virtue, sincerity translates into living and relating without hidden intentions through our actions or words. This is one of the moral values par excellence, since being honest with oneself always leads us to be honest with others. 3. Empathy Likewise, empathy is closely related to sincerity. Whoever seeks kindness, happiness or sincerity with oneself, understands that any human being also lives in constant search of the same. For this reason, empathy, whi...